Thursday, January 8, 2009

Go the Extra Mile!!!

Go the Extra Mile!!!

We all face moments in life when we are not happy or satisfied with the way things are going or the way people are treating us. In many of these situations in our lives, we can easily see how God needs to work in those around us, in those who may be causing these problems in our lives. However, regardless of how true it may be that God needs to work in the lives of others around us, the fact that God is allowing us to go through it means that He also wants us to learn something through it as well. We can easily make the mistake of brushing it all off our shoulders and simply stating that God needs to work in someone else, while missing the lesson God has for us.
If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles (Matthew 5:41 NIV). Notice the verse said if someone forces you to go one mile. Meaning that perhaps someone is creating a situation or a problem and taking you down a road you do not want to travel, even then, we should not only walk the mile, but also go an extra mile as well. I do not believe that God is asking us to walk down a road of sinfulness, if that is what is presented before us in our daily walks; but I believe that when it comes to difficulties and problems in our friendships and relationships, God wants us to do everything we can to maintain healthy relationships and live at peace with those around us. This verse and the verses surrounding it encourage us not only to sacrifice by giving what is asked of us, but to take it to the next level and give even more.

We can easily become discouraged, lose our focus, and/or get so caught up in our problems that our emotions can block out everything we know and value. It's up to us to keep ourselves in line with the Word of God and to remember that we are to reflect the Love of Christ to everyone around us, regardless of what others are doing whether right or wrong, we need to make sure that we are acting and reacting correctly and that the choices we make not only benefit ourselves, but those around us as well. We cannot change the way people are and the way they do things. But when we live according to the Word of God and allow God to be in control of the situations we face, God defends us and will honor and bless our efforts to live according to His Word. Walking the extra mile will take you to a higher level in life and to a higher level in Christ... Don't let the small, insignificant things hold you back from reaching greatness!

This is a blog I wrote back in May of 2008. I wanted to post it here too. I hope that it can be of help and benefit to someone :)

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