Wednesday, July 20, 2011


From a single woman who would like to believe that there is hope for a lasting and fulfilling marriage: I feel sad when I see so many marriages struggling and people unable or unwilling to fully commit to their spouses. Marriage is supposed to be about loving each other so much that each person would give of themselves completely in every way, committing to go through all aspects of life both good and bad, while each person puts in their effort to confront and overcome every obstacle that might come their way. Sadly, instead of being a part of a team, many marriages are now looking like two people who care more about their own individual interests that they end up becoming rivals within their marriage, and that was never how God intended marriage to be :( 

Seeking His original plan! 

PS. This post is my general observation of marriages in the US overall. I recognize that there are many marriages where one partner is willing and committed and the other is not, thus making a team effort impossible... my heart really goes out to those people, as I cannot even begin to imagine how that must feel. I also recognize that there are still many good, healthy and functional marriages in existence today. But in light of the reality of so many broken and wounded marriages, I just wish and pray that people could really open up their hearts and love completely, the way it was originally planned for us and that they would find value in their spouses and in their marriages.

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